Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a day! Covered 8 miles sailing in approx. 15 knot winds with higher gusts. I'm impressed with anyone sailing a Kruger in the dark with winds in excess of 20 to 25 knots. I'm a long way from trying that. I wanted to go out on the Gulf today but found the conditions on the Marco River to be quite adequate for a novice like me.

Friday, September 28, 2007

My purpose on this trip: To see if a person can go from Ferguson Bay to Barron River near Everglades City. It's a long trip so I put in Wed. at 4 p.m. and headed out to the Gulf to spend the night. Thursday I'd try the loop and then make it back to Collier Seminole State Park on Friday morning.

Note now: This is Airboat country and they don't like canoes in thier world; hard to see us. I made it through with ease but fought some super strong currents. I only slept a couple hours Thursday night before using the tide to make it back in by 4 a.m. On the water 36 hours and covered 69 miles.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

On September 19th I launched my Sea Wind (#228) for the first time. I had installed a Balogh 32 w/BOSS and sailed most of the day. I covered about 14.3 miles and had a lot of realizations to ponder in the weeks to come. More to follow...